Sleep is important. It helps our body recover from the day’s activities and enhances memory and brain function. Without it, we would literally go crazy.

Sleep should be a natural part of life but for some, it doesn’t come easily. The reasons are many and varied: some prescribed medications interfere with the body’s wake/sleep cycle, emotional stresses lead to night-time anxiety, and the wrong food before bed will disturb sleep. Sometimes there is no obvious reason.

Homeopathy has a remarkable history of treating insomnia! Symptoms usually do not exist in isolation, though. If insomnia is just one of your problems, or if it is not fully relieved by the remedy that seems to match your sleeplessness, make an appointment to see a professional homeopath who will take a detailed case-history to find a constitutional remedy to treat not only your insomnia, but the other health problems that bother you as well.

If insomnia is the only symptom one of the following remedies may bring relief.

Ars Album –if anxious and restless. Anxiety, fear, or worry prevents sleep. Frequent starting or jumping which wakens from sleep. Sleeplessness from physical exertion. Worse after midnight. Better for: warmth; warm drinks.

Coffea Cruda – if sleeplessness from rapid thoughts or an active mind; constant flow of ideas; physical restlessness; nervous energy; excitement.

Gelsemium – Sleeplessness from anticipatory anxiety. Dull, drowsy mind – hard to think yet difficult to go to sleep. Insomnia from exhaustion. Worse from bad news; thinking about problems.

Ignatia –Intense, repeated yawning or frequent sighing. Sleeplessness from a recent disappointment or grief.

For help and health advice contact the Natural Food Store 4 Exchange Street Norwich Tel: 01603 613228  or the Homeopathic College of East Anglia Tel: 01603 665173