Meet Our Faculty

Discover more about our specialist team of lecturers and tutors

Trish Stephenson

Trish Stephenson


From a background in the computer industry and teaching, Tricia brings to the College extensive and varied experience within Complementary Health Care, having studied and prescribed homeopathy for over thirty years. Tricia has also opened and run two health food stores, a Homeopathic drop in clinic, The Complementary Health Care Clinic in the centre of Norwich and the Homeopathic College of East Anglia itself.
A lifetime’s fascination with natural healing and a passion for homeopathy has led Tricia to complete a range of courses in Nutritional Medicine, Phytotherapy, Flower Remedies, Vitamin & Mineral Supplements and Herbal Medicine. Tricia writes regularly for many health publications including local newspapers and journals and has a busy homeopathic practice in Norfolk.

Sue Saunders

Sue Saunders


Sue has been in full time homeopathic practice for over 30 years and has lectured at HCEA since 2005.

Initially drawn to homeopathy after excellent results with her own children’s recurrent ear infections, she went on to study at The British School of Homeopathy and has been involved in the homeopathic world ever since. 

Modern technology has meant that her practice has extended internationally with patients in far away places.

Sue has lectured extensively both within the UK and even as far away as Cuba!

Sue Crump

Sue Crump


Sue has been practising in West Norfolk since she qualified from the College of Homeopathy in 1986. During this period, she has also been involved in a number of other activities to complement her work with patients, including supervising final year projects for over 15 years. Sue was a manager of the Homeopathic Recovery Project in Romania for 5 years, which included teaching student homeopaths and supervising their work in orphanages. She was a founder member of the Society of Homeopaths’ Research Group and currently organises and facilitates regional CPD seminars for the Society.

Sian Moss

Sian Moss


Sian has been a homeopath since 2009, having qualified with a BSc and Licentiate from the Centre of Homeopathic Education in London. She has a mobile practice, focusing on supporting those with conditions which are conventionally difficult to treat. Her first degree was in Molecular Biology and Genetics, after which she worked in the pharmaceutical industry and academia for 15 years, researching the mechanisms involved in chronic pain conditions. Sian has been lecturing in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology since 2012 and is passionate about empowering students to further their knowledge and depth of understanding. She also lectures in research methods and works to ensure the quality of trials within Homeopathy. 

Tony Hurley

Tony Hurley


Tony was first introduced to Homeopathy in the 1970’s by Dr Thomas Maugham when he was both practising and teaching yoga. He started utilising and teaching homeopathy in the early 1980’s and also trained in transpersonal psychology. Tony specialises in Materia Medica knowledge, preferring this subject over others due to personal enjoyment together with feeling that every aspect of Homeopathy is relevant to this subject. When he is not teaching, Tony spends time in India following his integral love of yoga and Tai Chi, which he has practised for over 20 years.

Dr Nicki Young

Dr Nicki Young


Nicki is a lecture in midwifery at the University of East Anglia and teaches many women’s health issues and pregnancy in our Medical Sciences curriculum. After qualifying in 1987, Nicki spent a number of years as a member of the Princess Mary’s Royal Air Force Nursing Service. She brings a wealth of teaching expertise to our College and helps to ensure that our students gain a full understanding of the issues women often face during pregnancy and childbirth. In 2005 she was the Royal College of Midwives Winner of the National Midwifery Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Shirley Briars

Shirley Briars


Shirley is a Nutritional Therapist and educator who graduated from The Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION) in 2011 with distinction.

She joined ION as a Lecturer and Module Coordinator in September 2013 and currently leads modules on the Nutritional Therapy BSc (Hons) degree programme, which is offered in partnership with the University of Portsmouth. Shirley also provides consultancy services to YorkTest, a leading specialist in food intolerance and allergy testing.

Shirley is passionate about the subject of nutrition and enjoys sharing her knowledge and promoting positive health messages to inspire others to think about the relationship between good nutrition and health. 

Dr Shamini Singh Sachdev

Dr Shamini Singh Sachdev


Shamini obtained her Master’s Degree in Homeopathy in South Africa, where the initial part of her training was based on Medical Sciences, followed by a focus on all other aspects of homeopathy. She has gone on to study further with Rajan Sankaran in India before settling in the UK. She is a highly experienced practitioner, having worked globally for 16 years and lecturing at various Homeopathic colleges in London.

Her interests are wide-ranging and include a variety of approaches to different situations. She currently practises from Ainsworths in London.

Val Thomas

Val Thomas


Val has always loved growing and using herbs of all kinds. She worked with a traditional healer, in Sweden, and later qualified in Herbal Medicine, with a first class honours degree from the University of East London. She has been working as a professional herbalist for the last ten years and is a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists.


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